#PresidentialElections2022: Polling is underway at the Parliament House.
Around 4,800 MPs and MLAs will cast their #votes till 5 pm on Monday to elect the 15th #President of #India The two candidates are #DraupadiMurmu from the #BJP-led #NDA and #YashwantSinha from the #opposition.
#DraupadiMurmu is an Indian politician and member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. She is the official nominee of the #BJP-led #NationalDemocraticAlliance #NDA for the 2022 presidential election. #draupadimurmu is the second person belonging to a scheduled tribe and most probably the 15th President of the Republic of #india
5% #GST Pre-packaged rice, flour to get dearer as revised #GST kicks in from today
#pulses, cereals like #rice, #wheat, #flour, and other such items, weighing below 25 kg or 25 liters, will attract #GST at the rate of #5% percent from today. #Fooditems, hospital rooms, hotels: List of items that will get costlier from today after #GSThike
#Opposition leaders have raised concerns about the higher #tax rates announced by the #GSTCouncil, saying it will put an additional burden on households.
This is the committee that recommended the imposition of 5% #GST in which the #FinanceMinisters of #Bengal, #Kerala & #Rajasthan are there. None of the 3 members of the opposition opposed it. By the way- All are equal in GST Council which decides
From Today;
#GST on #Diamonds: 1.5%
#GST on #HospitalRooms: 5%
#GST on #Rice and #curd: 5%
#GST on #Cheques: 18%
Spare the rich, and #tax the working class.
Is the opposition really serious about people's issues or they are just doing eyewash?
New GST rates: What would get more expensive
5 per cent GST on pre-packed, labelled food items like atta, paneer and curd.
5 per cent GST on hospital rooms with rent above ₹5,000
Maps and charts, including atlases, will attract a 12 per cent Goods and Services Tax (GST).
18 per cent GST will be levied on tetra packs.
18 per cent GST on fees charged by banks for the issue of cheques (loose or in book form).
Tax rates on products such as printing, writing or drawing ink; knives with cutting blades, paper knives and pencil sharpeners; LED lamps; drawing and marking out instruments will be hiked to 18 per cent from 12 per cent currently.
Solar water heater will now attract 12 per cent GST as compared to 5 per cent earlier.
Services such as work contracts for roads, bridges, railways, metro, effluent treatment plants and crematoriums too will see tax going up to 18 per cent from the current 12 per cent.
नालंदा के बारे मैं एक ही वीडियो मैं सारा ज्ञान | नालंदा यूनिवर्सिटी जहां खिलजी ने आतंक मचाया था @BHUKKAD
Nalanda: It is the world's oldest university and after centuries, is now set to be recreated. #Nalanda in #Bihar, a renowned seat of learning and excellence 800 years ago, will soon stand tall again - this time as a truly international #university.
#NalandaUniversity is a public central/union university located in #Nalanda district's #Rajgir in the state of #Bihar, #India. It is designated as an international institution of national importance and excellence. The international university was established by an Act of the Indian Parliament in 2010. The decision to set up the university was endorsed at the second and fourth East Asia Summits. The President of India serves as a Visitor to the university.
The Establishment Of Mahavira Was Formed By Emperor Kumar Gupta In The Fifth Century A.D. From The 5th To 12th Century The Knowledge Of This Place Was In The State Of Climax. Due To its International Reputation, a Large Number Of Students Had Come To Study From China, Mongolia, Tibet, Korea, And Other Asian Countries. The Level Of Teaching Was Extremely High Here. To Get An Education In Mahavihar One Was Tested By A Teacher. The Leading Centre Of Teaching Of Mahayana Buddhism Was Nalanda But Other Topics Of Education Were Also Featured Here. Finally, At The End Of the 12th Century, Invader Bakhityar Khilji Demolished The Monastery, Killed The Monks, And Burned The Valuable Library. At Present In View Of The Fact That This Place Was A Symbol Of Asian Unity And Strength, The Nalanda International University Is Being Established Nearby.
In 1193, the Nalanda University was destroyed by the Islamic fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk; this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India.
#WorldEmojiDay We all use #emojis # every day, so why not #celebrate them?
We all use emojis every day, so why not celebrate them?
Ahead of #WorldEmojiDay on July 17, a survey has revealed how #Indians interpret #emoticons differently from the rest of the #world. The survey conducted by #Slack in #collaboration with #Duolingo has revealed that around 58 percent of global survey respondents say they have been unaware of specific #emojis having multiple meanings.
The random double-opt-in survey included 9,400 hybrid office workers and was distributed equally across the US, the UK, Canada, France, Japan, China, #Singapore, #India, #Germany, #SouthKorea, and #Australia. The survey was commissioned by #Duolingo and #Slack between June 15 to June 27.
It also found that over a third of #French, #Australian and #German respondents agree that their company has its own #language of #emoji for internal #communication. This sentiment was higher in #Asia than in #Europe, with 66% of #Indian and 60% of #Chinese survey takers agreeing that their formal chats included #emoji language that was exclusive to the workplace.
#Communication has come a long way. From morse code to instant #messaging, there has been a dramatic change in how people #communicate globally. #Smartphones one of the boons of the 21st century have virtually eliminated the need to #communicate with words. Long sentences expressing glee, surprise, or sadness have been reduced to miniature yellow faces - also known as emojis.
#Emojis are also called #pictograms, #logograms, ideograms, or smileys.
#India crosses #200crore Covid-19 #vaccinations: Day to remember
#India crossed the milestone of administering 200 #crores (#2billion) #Covid-19 vaccine doses at around Sunday noon, almost one-and-a-half years after starting the drive in #January 2021. The country crossed the milestone of the first 100 crore (1 billion) doses on October 21 last year in nine months since the vaccination drive started. The next 100 crore doses also come after another nine months.
#India has crossed a big milestone of giving 2 billion #vaccine doses, a year after it launched the #world's largest #vaccination drive against #coronavirus. The country has been trying to ramp up #vaccination efforts amid global concerns over fresh #Covid waves.
#कोरोनावायरस के खिलाफ #वैक्सीनेशन के क्षेत्र में भारत ने बड़ी उपलब्धि हासिल की है। देश में #कोरोना #वैक्सीन की अब तक दी जाने वाली खुराक की संख्या #200करोड़ को पार गई है। #भारत ने यह उपलब्धि 546 दिनों में हासिल की है। भारत को 100 करोड़ टीके तक पहुंचने में 277 दिन लगे थे। वहीं, भारत में #वैक्सीनेशन का आंकड़ा #200करोड़ पहुंचने पर विश्व #स्वास्थ्यसंगठन (#WHO) ने तारीफ की है।
#डब्ल्यूएचओ दक्षिण-पूर्व एशिया की क्षेत्रीय निदेशक डॉ #पूनमखेत्रपालसिंह ने कहा, “200 करोड़ से अधिक #कोरोना #वैक्सीन खुराक देने के लिए भारत को बधाई। यह देश की प्रतिबद्धता और #महामारी के प्रभाव को कम करने के प्रयासों का एक और सबूत है।” पीएम #नरेंद्रमोदी ने भी 200 करोड़ #वैक्सीन की खुराक पार करने और कोरोना के खिलाफ #वैश्विक लड़ाई को मजबूत करने के लिए #राष्ट्र को बधाई दी है। वहीं, केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्री #मनसुखमंडाविया ने कहा कि यह हमारे लिए गर्व की बात है कि #भारत ने अब तक COVID19 वैक्सीन की #200करोड़ खुराक को पार कर लिया है।